不銹鋼反應釜在工作時我們設定的壓力值是有一定的規定的,我們要按照GB 150的規定進行處理,不銹鋼反應釜的表面是金屬材質的,我們所需要加工的產品也是金屬材質的,所以我們必須保持溫度的穩定性。我們這里所說的溫度就是講的是金屬溫度,主要是指容器受到壓力之后,我們在元件的截面進行溫度的測量,這些測量出來的溫度就是金屬溫度。任何情況下,元件金屬的表面溫度不得很過鋼材的允許使用溫度。
Stainless steel reactor is a kind of pressure vessel, there are many factors that affect the stainless steel reactor efficiency, in this paper we introduce the impact on the temperature of stainless steel reactor for everyone.
Stainless steel reactor we set the pressure value is a certain regulation, we should be handled according to the provisions of GB 150, the surface of stainless steel reaction vessel is made of metal material, the processing of products and metal materials we need, so we must keep the stability of temperature. Here the temperature is about is the metal temperature, mainly refers to the container under pressure, we measure the temperature in cross section, the measured temperature is the temperature of metal. In any case, the element of metal surface temperature shall not exceed the allowable temperature of steel.
Design temperature, refers to the container under normal operating conditions, the design pressure, the highest or lowest temperature shell wall or metal components may reach. When the shell wall or element metal temperature is below - 20 ℃ temperature, determine the design according to the lowest temperature; in addition, the highest temperature design temperature shall be selected. Design temperature shall not be less than the highest temperature of metal metal components may reach; for the metal temperature is below 0 ℃, the design temperature not higher than the lowest temperature of metal metal components may reach.